Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Olberman gives Gay Marriage some Perspective

Out of all the arguments, articles, books, pundit sparring, cable news segments, and verbal jousting for and against Gay marriage; no one has captured and conveyed the thoughts and feelings of frustration from the Gay community better than MSNBC's Keith Olberman. I'm a loyal viewer of his show, but somehow this clip got by me. It was taken from a show he did a couple months back right after California passed Prop 8. His heartfelt plea was just as eloquent as it was profound. Watch and see for your self:

If you can't play the video clip, here's the direct url:

Here's a clip that exposes the hypocrisy of denying basic human rights from Gay & Lesbian couples. It takes the logic and arguments from the anti Gay marriage movement, and uses it against them. Before I watched this video, I had never thought about it that way. But, it makes perfect sense. See for yourself and let me know if you agree.

Here's the direct link just in case the clip doesn't load.

I want to leave you with one of my favorite quotes, that I think is very relevant to this story and the time we live in.

Seek not abroad, turn back into thy self, for in the inner man dwells the truth.
-St. Augustine

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